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About Me

Benchman is my alter ego. I like nothing more than watching the world go by. I live in Wales and in my opinion I live amongst some of the best scenery in the world. Even the same views constantly change with the weather and the seasons.

bway Steve

I enjoy all things creative especially music and art, including photography and the use of Photoshop. With this in mind, Benchman was born. As bwaySteve said, ‘If you have a bench, you have the universe.’ It’s a very apt quote. I can take Benchman anywhere I want in my imagination. I take most of the photographs myself, usually of views that appeal to me and I think will fit in with Benchman’s view.


I have to admit though, some of the ideas end up being completely different to how they started out. It’s all part of the fun. I hope you can find enjoyment, perhaps even inspiration in some of the work I have done with Benchman. Thank you for taking the time to read. Enjoy and may your day be as peaceful as Benchmans.