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There Are Some Places We Can’t Go

Bridge To Heaven

Sat on a bridge that appears to disappear into the clouds. Is it a bridge to heaven? Above the main cloud there looks like an Angel that has formed from the clouds below it.

A sign reads Keep Out, I suppose that my time isn’t ready to cross the bridge just yet. I wonder if there’s a green sign that says Welcome when your time has come? It looks and feels very peaceful. That’s how it’s supposed to be, isn’t it? However, I would have thought if it was a bridge to the hereafter, there would have been a few more people queuing. Perhaps the open bridge is somewhere else.

9 thoughts on “There Are Some Places We Can’t Go”

  1. I have long enjoyed your “Silly Old Sod” writing. It is natural, conversational and engaging.
    Now I find you are an artist with the brush too. What a gifted person you are.

    You are mightily blessed.

    1. Thank you, Sarah, I appreciate your very kind words. I see it all as being creative, which is great. Thank you again and be safe from this horrible virus that is creating trouble in the world. 🙂

  2. My mother loved to see things in the clouds and yes she would’ve agreed with you: that is an angel.

    Don’t be surprised that you can’t see other people on the bridge. Each of us has an individual journey out of this life.

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