Switching On The Sunset
After a day of doing whatever you want, there’s nothing better than sitting at the coast side and watching someone come and turn on the sunset. Read More »Switching On The Sunset
After a day of doing whatever you want, there’s nothing better than sitting at the coast side and watching someone come and turn on the sunset. Read More »Switching On The Sunset
As we pass from summer into fall-autumn in the northern hemisphere, daylight gets shorter and the temperatures start to cool. There’s always a pleasant aura with autumn. Almost an orange glow as the leaves on the trees start to turn brown and fall. To me, it can be a beautiful time of year.Read More »Autumnal Light
It’s always nice to reminisce and think of people from the past. Imagine being able to go back in time and meet them? How wonderful that would be. I imagined my Grandmother in her early ‘young lady’ days and what she would have looked like. Read More »Meeting Someone From The Past
As the Autumn season approaches, so does the morning mists. However, you can meditate whenever and wherever you are. You don’t need to be an expert in meditation to do it. You really can just do it.Read More »Morning Meditation
Some of us can see the ghost train at the station, yet, some of us can’t. Why is that? I don’t know. Who gets on the ghost train? I’ve never seen anyone alight yet. Where can you see one of these ghost trains? Well, you have to be lucky, I think and stay alert.Read More »Not Everyone Sees The Ghost Train
A long and winding road through the forest. Summertime in the evening with a large moon to help the traveller along his way with its soft ray of light. No worries, no problems, just the sound of nature and the evening birdsong to listen to.Read More »Moonlight Mile
Oh this world at times, the inhabitants, particularly the human ones can be very nasty at times to each other as well as to animals, trees and even property. Read More »In The Light
2020 has certainly been an unusual year as far as most of the living human race goes. Who on earth could have predicted the virus that has wreaked havoc across the world? A lot of us have been lucky in the sense that we haven’t caught it or been directly affected by its devastation.Read More »Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining
Sat on a bridge that appears to disappear into the clouds. Is it a bridge to heaven? Above the main cloud there looks like an Angel that has formed from the clouds below it.Read More »There Are Some Places We Can’t Go
I saw a tunnel and through that tunnel was a beautiful field. I could see a bird from another time, pre-historic. There’s a path that I don’t know where it leads, but I can see mountains.Read More »In Another Time